Ladies Day In: daily self-care practices for a woman’s heart and mind
Among the hundreds of self-care tips you may have heard of and even tried, sometimes there is still a feeling that something is missing… Like me, a busy woman with small children, you perhaps find yourself taking a few steps forward in your personal growth and then several random steps back. To be brutally honest, it all begins on the inside. Our intentions for our days may be filled with positivity and motivation but then life happens and kids need a lot out of us and we end up in a vicious cycle of feeling drained. It is easy to give up on making time for self-care because there are so many other people and things that require us to take care of them. I have heard it said, you can not give from an empty cup. It makes practical sense to fill your cup first before you pour into others.
Definition: self-care (noun)
“The practice of taking actions to maintain or improve one’s own health and well being.”
I imagine you may have found this space because you are hoping to learn how to become more centered and maintain your inner balance no matter what the days bring. To know who you really are in all situations and remain graceful in responding.
You may be asking, how do I find my purpose as a woman? Especially if you have small children, you may look around you and wonder, how do moms stay positive? It’s all about inner work. The most rewarding work about spending time with yourself for inner work is the real life difference you begin to experience everyday.
I created this space to share some of the daily self-care practices that focus on the whole self. I have found these methods help me to stay on track. They get me back on the mindfulness wagon whenever I fall off due to the demands of life. Start here, begin small and believe is the best version of you!
10 minutes a day: mindful steps for women to have a positive day
Click image to save steps to Pinterest!
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Start with Inner Peace
Many of us have heard of The Serenity Prayer. The first part of it asks “… help me accept the things I can not change.” Starting the day with acceptance helps us release the tension that comes with the fear that we may not be able to control what comes up in the day ahead. That is the first step to inner peace: accepting what is and planning to accept what is up ahead.
Definition: serenity (noun)
“The state of being calm, peaceful and untroubled.”
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Get to know the Real You
There is a saying that goes, ‘if you do not stand for something, you will fall for anything’ (Malcolm X). Have you ever had a moment where you ran around in circles so much taking care of everyone and everything else that you felt , ‘I don’t even know who I am anymore’? Taking time to go inside and listen to your own thoughts and feel your own feelings and dream your own dreams is the beginning of finding your purpose as a whole woman.
One easy way to think about purpose is to find women inspirational quotes and read them regularly. Another method to squeeze into your day is finding women affirmations to be more positive about motherhood especially.
Definition: purpose (noun)
“the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.”
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Check your Attitude
‘Attitude is everything’ is a quote that get’s said a lot but it is definitely not a cliche. It can be proven that where a person is is coming from shows in the results of what they are doing and how they affect others. When we say ‘she has an attitude’, we often mean she seems to be in a bad mood or is difficult to deal with.
Definition: attitude (noun)
“a mental position regarding a fact or state.”
“a feeling or emotion toward a fact or state.”
In reality, one’s outer attitude is a reflection of what is going on in their thoughts and what emotions they are feeling. It is safe to say that your attitude on any given day and at any given moment can be dictated by you. If you want a good day, start with good thoughts. If you want to turn around a bad day, dwell on thoughts that give you a good feeling. A doable way to start the habit of keeping a great attitude throughout the day is by collecting good woman and mom quotes to remind yourself that, yes you can!
So now, I would love to share with you a relaxing way to take charge of your mind and remain centered within. My personal proven favorite: Journaling
21 journaling prompts to bring peace to your days as a busy woman
If you feel like guided ideas on how to begin and maintain inner self-care habits would help you bring the change you want in your life, you will find the S.P.A (Serenity. Purpose. Attitude.) guided journal an enjoyable journey within!
It is a refreshing 21-week, daily journal that follows a personal growth theme for every week.
It is helpful for women with busy lives and mothers with busy homes.
Set up with daily prompts to check-in to your mind, heart and body, it is designed to put the pen to your life story in your hands in just a few minutes a day.
To guide you further, each week has great famous quotes on Serenity, Purpose and Attitude to keep you easily inspired, motivated and focused.
Here is how well planned out having a S.P.A moment every day is for you!
*CLICK the journal page below to check out the book for yourself.*
I am so glad you found your way here and please read on!
Best vibes, Caroline.